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A Peaceful Demise

The shimmering silver sword was driven deep into the beast’s chest. He howled with pain as tissue and bone were slit and separated. Freya, a dextrous young women, bathed in blood stood over the creature.

“I’ll be taking that.” Freya said as she dislodged her weapon from the wounded monster. Blood spewed from the wound, it was on death’s door, readying to embark on its quest into the afterlife.

With each heaving breath more red spilled down its fur. Freya examined the beast, its face was long and crow-like, with a razor sharp beak that had spliced open her left arm. It tore from shoulder to elbow, the loss of blood was taking its toll.

“You could’ve just let me chop your head off, there wouldn’t have been need for any of this. I could have settled in for the night, drank a nice mug of wine and sharpened my blade. Of course, you would have been dead and well.. you couldn’t have done anything other than being dead, but you know, you could have spared me the thought.”

The monster’s breath slowed, the life leaking from its chest was like a calm stream, it didn’t have long left. Freya swept her ashen hair from her cheek, and took a seat beside her foe.

“Do you want to know how I beat you…? Of course you do! Well listen here and listen carefully. You may be strong and you may be bloody fast, and also bit ugly to be honest, but that’s not the point…. The thing is you’re a bit stupid. Look at you, ten times the size of me, and yes you hit me, tore into my arm pretty well I have to say, but you’re still an idiot. After you injured me, you should have ran, that was your chance! Once you tore into my arm I knew I was dead. And because I knew I was already dead I knew I had nothing to lose.”

Freya gave a small smile at her last words. She thought of everything she didn’t have, and the thought of death was not one of sorrow but one of peace. She placed a hand on the beast’s muscular arm, six claws, each the size of her sword protruded menacingly from their owner.

“Hush now, we’ll get through this. They never mention how slow death can be, we must have a lot of blood in these veins ey?” The creature’s breath stopped. Its blood fused with Freya’s along the cavernous floor. It whirled into a glimmering sheen of red, popping in contrast to the surrounding stone grey. Freya glimpsed at the slain animal, her eyes weighing more than her sword.

“Leaving me all alone? Thought as much. Not as strong as you lo…”

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