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The Balladeer

What do you call a man who refuses to write about love?

Do you call him brave?

Or do you call him scared of what his love might think

when she sees his heart split and slit?

What do you call a man who refuses to write about love?

They call him a madman, a lyricist of


Lie, lie, lie me down my sweet.

Drag me through the torrid crowds of Stephen’s Street.

Where Luke Kelly watches over his musical tribe and

the wandering beggar wonders if he’s still alive...?

I ask the magical musician where he keeps his harp,

He flicks me a bronze coin.

The spirit of success, a symbol of loneliness, in this waning world where the Dublin bards


Love is a man’s hope.

His means to cope,

in this ever-dissonant chime of Life. It rings loud and whirls into an ever-lasting abyss where darkness consumes and presumes Your life is not worth the salt on the rocks by docks of Sir Rogerson’s Quay.

And I ask you…

What do you call a man who refuses to write about love?

I call him a madman, a lyricist of


What do you

Call the madman

whose vision’s blurred by perfect poetry?

I call him the Balladeer.


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